A different sauce for your holiday roast (and almost everything else you eat from now on.) | Chimichurri | Flat iron steak.

If your family’s like mine, there’s probably a holiday roast in your future. Something big and beefy (or porky) and brilliant, and most likely, fat-tastic. Maybe porchetta, or perhaps prime rib. Either way, you probably need a sauce bright and tangy enough to cut through all that deliciousness. Enter that darling of every Argentinian table…

And then, in case you missed it: Here’s a video of me cooking a turkey.

I tried out for the Butterball Hotline’s national Man-search a few weeks ago. I was not selected. But it wasn’t a complete, bummery loss. This video, lovingly produced by Michael Gabriele (with lovely theme music from Alana Grelyak and Sara Wolfson) is now available for you to use/enjoy/laugh at. I hate being on camera, but…

Last-minute, red-button Thanksgiving recipe post.

So. I had all these grand plans to make you White Castle stuffing, and bacon-basket potatoes, and vegan sides last week. And then life just got away from me. Also: I caught a nasty, nasty cold that makes me sound like someone’s stuffed fiberglass insulation into my sinuses. But for those of you still in…

Whoopie pies and woofie pies: kitchen adventures with friends.

My friends Kendra and Kapil recently got hitched at this epic Hindu-Christian Indian-chow New-England-lobster-bake affair in Maine. Two wonderful, loving families brought together by two amazing people WHO SERVED UNLIMITED AMOUNTS OF SHELLFISH AND BUTTER CHICKEN HOLY F*CKING HELL THAT WAS AMAZING. I’ve limited experience with New England food culture – not counting all of…